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Texturing a shawl in substance painter

Hi artstation,
Working with Substance Painter to texture cloth can be really enjoyable and it's a great way to add realistic details to your models. In this video, I'll show you how to make a shawl from the base mesh collection and give it a shiny look.

First, I'll use a fabric pattern from the 9th collection to add depth to the inner part of the scarf. Then, I'll use the default stitches tool in Painter and my own beadwork tool to add borders and details. Once I have everything set up just right, I'll move on to modifying the main pattern.

For this project, I used Midjourney to create the pattern, but you can also create your own, use AI, or even ask a friend for help. The final step is to combine the design with the beadwork tool and make the pattern really stand out.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn something new and improve your skills. Check out the tutorial now and hit the "Like" button if you find it helpful. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and share your thoughts in the comments section.

You can find all the tools I used in this video here:


Substance Tool: